Monday, June 8, 2015

holy matrimony!

If you can believe it, it's already been almost two months since Keith and I said 'I do'. Time really does fly right by you when you're having fun. I remember our wedding day feeling like a dream, or like we were just playing wedding. I just couldn't believe we were really getting married and now I still feel like that, Keith and I both still catch ourselves going: "hey remember that time we got married?"
Our ceremony was short, and sweet, and to the point. We went a very nontraditional route, (to no ones surprise I'm sure!) I walked down the aisle to the Game of Thrones theme song, and our officiator was a new age, nondenominational, friend of his mom's. We both chose quotes to read to one another instead of vows. I read Keith this Henry Rollins quote, and Keith read me this Joss Whedon Buffy quote. 

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